MS1200 VOC Analyser
The MS1200 is an on-line Oil in Water monitoring system which provides low level measurements of Hydrocarbon,
Oil and VOCs concentrations in water.
- Monitor water abstraction points such as raw river water, boreholes and reservoir water
- Monitoring for oil in water contamination
- Detect VOC contamination in wastewater
- Monitor drain and stormwater systems for flammable liquids
- Surface water systems for fuel pollution
- Offer a monitoring solution for air, land remediation and industrial applications
- Detect VOC breakthrough in carbon beds
- RO membrane protection
- Measurement of VOCs in process water
MS1900 Drain and Effluent VOC Analyser
MS1900 Drain and Effluent VOC Analyzer is designed to provide continuous measurement of VOCs (Oil and Hydrocarbon) in industrial and trade effluent discharge points. Regulations on the quality of effluents from trade premises and factories are getting stricter and stricter and VOCs are now in the spotlight.
• Monitoring of industrial drains and discharges
• Monitoring of process water
• River and storm water measurement
• Oil and Fuel Leak Detection
• Detection of VOCs in the sewage system